From The Snow of YYZ to the Sand of DXB - Dubai 7s
So flying halfway across the world was a pretty cool experience in itself. 13 hours direct from YYZ to DXB with my college teammate Josh Dusome.

We were able to get a little rest on the plane and when we landed we met up with our tour manager Cam, who got us situated at the hotel late on Sunday night where we met up with some of the biys that were already at the hotel.
The next morning (Monday) we had to reset our clocks to local time, so we got up at 6am for an early training session on the beach. This was the first team training session with all the boys. We had some rust to shake off as most of us haven't played 7s in close to two years in a competitive format. Nonetheless it was a great session that we used to get closer with the guys as we had lots of ice breaker conversations.

Later on in the day we had our second session. The boys were tired but things already started to take shape nicely. Two a day training will be on the schedule to help us ramp up for our first day of competition on Thursday.